Friday, November 20, 2009

Speech at Vale Inco Strike Support Rally August 4, 2009

First of all I want to thank the USWA for the opportunity to address this very important rally in solidarity with your very important strike. Being here gives me a distinct feeling of deja vu because I clearly remember 1978. I particularly remember being at work and buying a small pin made up of a miniature shovel with a tiny piece of nickel on it. Those pins were sold to raise badly needed money that helped your union to win an eight and a half month long strike. I also remember all of the fundraisers and other events organized on a vast scale to support that strike and I remember the impressive activities in support of the strike engaged in by the strikers' wives support group in Sudbury.

That strike and all that was done in solidarity with it comprised an important lesson in modern Canadian labour history which should inform us all of what is in store for Vale Inco if they do not stop attacking your pensions and specifically if they do not stop attempting to cripple your union by having it agree to sacrifice the pensions of the next generation of workers who will work here after you.

As in 1978 this union busting employer must be taught a lesson about what it is like to deal with real unions and real trade unionists. Real unions and real trade unionists know that our strength comes from defending the interests of the ENTIRE membership and certainly not by sacrificing the well being of the future membership to protect the present membership. Real unions and real trade unionists know that to do otherwise would be to commit suicide by allowing the bosses to roll back gains won through the long bitter struggles of those who came before us.

We as trade unionists are duty bound to honour their legacy. We must likewise honour their achievements by defending their gains. We must remember what they learned through struggle and that is that workers did not form unions to go backwards. Workers formed unions to defend their dignity, to defend what they have and to move forwards whenever possible. It logically follows that it is imperative for each and every one of us to do everything we can to make certain your struggle is successful.
You can be certain that the St. Catharines & District Labour Council will not sit on the sidelines during this critical struggle. We will be with you not just in words but in actions for as long as it takes because we know that no one is neutral in a struggle like this and we know which side WE are on. Fight to win.

Bruce Allen
St. Catharines & District Labour Council

1 comment:

  1. Watching Vale crush this ridiculously luddite union is going to be delicious.
